Quality Web Design and Graphic Designs by Sulaco New Media |
Web Design in Centurion, Gauteng, South Africa by Sulaco New Media - Does your website design accurately portray your company?
Web Design
Our web design team has had many years of experience in creating websites that are attractive, functional and optimized for search engines.
All of our designers and developers are skilled SEO experts and will never let a design impede successful search engine rankings.
Our graphic web designs are clean, lightweight, functional, professional and original. At Sulaco New Media we give you exactly what you want.
Why do I need a web design for my website? To answer this question we have to look at how a customer sees your company on the internet.
- The first thing a customer will do when arriving at a website is judge its trustworthyness from its design. In other words, and ugly site will lose customers because they will not trust your product and / or service and they are less likely to click on that "buy product" button
- The design of the site also needs to bring through a feeling or emotion that you want the customer to experience while using the site. This is more important on certain sites than others eg: Travel vs Banking but even on a banking site it still plays a part.
- If your design layout confuses your visitor, you will also lose that customer. Because of our long experience in the web and internet industry, we have learnt exactly what works from a layout and navigation point of view, so your customer will never get confused about what to do next.
We have specialized skills in Flash animation and scripting and have used them widely in many of our previous projects.
View our Web Design portfolio for some examples of our designs.
If you're interested in our Web Design solutions or any of the other services we offer, please contact us in Centurion, South Africa on (084) 505 3077 or via our Contact Us page for a free consultation.