Search Engine Optimization, Ranking, Placement and Marketing by Sulaco New Media. Do you want to increase your website traffic?
Search Engine Optimization and Marketing ( SEO )
At Sulaco New Media, we believe that a website may be the best in the world but if no-one sees it, it is worthless.
The big question is this...
How do I get customers to my site? The answer is simple. About 80% of internet users will never type in your domain name but will use a search engine to find your site. In most cases they also wont search on your company name, but rather the product that you sell or promote. in order to increase website traffic you need to be visible in the search engines.
How do I get my website into the Search engines? We will submit your site to several search engines free of charge if we host or design your site. If we did not create your site, we charge a nominal fee of R300.00 to submit your site to all the search engines.
How do I get my site to be at the top of the search results? Before we can optimize and promote your website we need to find out what key phrases / words you want to rank well on. We do this by examining the content on your site, and researching the amount of times certain keywords are typed in on various search engines. We also look at other websites in your sector of the market to judge how we need to optimize the site to be listed above them for the different search terms.
Once we have all of this information we do slight changes to your site in accordance with several rules that we have acertained from analizing how the different search engines rank websites.
We also identify the most on topic web directories and link partners to post a link to your site.
Can you get my site to rank number one for a specific keyword? Because search engines change their technology constantly there is no guarantee of ranking number one for any keyword, but we have never optimized a website that didnt get more visitors afterwards.
I dont believe you! Show me!
In July 2005 we took over search engine optimization on the unitrans motors website, and this was the result:

This website was staggering along at about 20 000 hits per month for 3 years, with almost no leads being generated from the website. after a re-design, restructure and search engine optimization run the site started picking up more traffic.
In November and december the traffic went down slightly because of the holday season, but quickly picked up again in January. With our next SEO run in middle of January we managed to boost the site traffic to more than 4 times the original and the site traffic is currently still climbing.
In March of 2006 the website reached 958 000 hits.
To show you a little more indepth view of these statistics we have a graph containing the referals (someone clicks on your sites link in the search results) from all search engines over the same time period.

Here you will notice that since January 2005 the website was getting a constant 300 referals from search engines per month, and in July 2005, when we took over the search engine referals started climbing dramatically almost immediately to end up at 25 400 referals from search engines.
It is important to note that the Unitrans website has been around for quite some time, and is therfore easier to optimize, but to show you that the same kind of results can be optained from a newly launched website we have the following graph

This graph is for another motor related website that we created and launched in January 2006, the main difference between this site and the provious example is that this site when launched had no age attached to it, you will also notice that by February 2006 the site was already well on its way to 30 000 hits per month.
In August 2006 our SEO efforts brought this site to just over the 100 000 hits mark, and current projections show that it will still be climbing in September.
We get customers to your website by promoting your site on several search engines including Google, MSN, Yahoo!, Ananzi and Funnel.
If you're interested in our Search Engine Optimization solution or any of the other services we offer, please contact us in Centurion, South Africa on (084) 505 3077 or via our Contact Us page for a free consultation.